Monday, 28 November 2011

Talking about the Good...and the Bad

With all this focus on #ReasonsRuralRocks are we ignoring the challenges that many rural citizens face? This past week a long time supporter of the trend asked, "Is poverty in Rural Alberta Hidden?" and attached the rural rocks hashtag. I'll admit, my immediate reaction was, "That's not the point of this forum." However, it was never my intention that the trend should gloss over the issues that rural faces. It has always been my hope that #ReasonsRuralRocks would provide a space for open conversations about all things rural. And such conversations must be open to discussing the negative as well.

That being said, it is easy to find news pieces, academic literature, and editorials about what is wrong with rural. It is much more difficult to find someone willing to share what makes rural great. It is my belief that if we truly value rural we must share our experiences...

  • @ OrdNE
  • The CEO of Wimmer's Meats, still can take the time to pick up his grandkids from school. (And drop of my daughter.) @creativebug
  • No matter where you go or how long you are gone, you can always call your rural community your 'home'. @ACSRC

    ...the good and the bad. 

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